Thomas Ebert
Software Developer,
Digital Technologist &
Interaction Designer
Hello, my name is Thomas. I am passionate about analysis of, creating concepts for, designing and developing interactive systems of all kinds.
After finishing my studies and a couple of years of collecting experience as a freelancer in 2017, I chose the technology and development aspects of my profession as my full-time job.
Over the past years I had the chance to be an integral part to the development of web-based systems, with tasks including frontend, backend/API and infrastructure work. I’m still continuing on this exciting journey today.
What can I do?
- Web-Apps, iOS and Android Apps, Offline-Apps
- Performant APIs
- Infrastructure and Hosting
- Team Culture and Process Development
- Technical Consultancy
- Usability and User Experience
Design Experience
- Interfaces & Apps
- Responsive webdesign
- Interactive installations
- Printlayouts
My favorite technologies
- TypeScript / Node.js
- C#
- Java
- Swift
Special Software skills
- Git, Gitlab & GitHub
- Docker
- Ansible
- Figma
- Adobe Software-Suite
InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro - Affinity Software-Suite
Publisher, Designer
Testing and using new tools and concepts, if compatible with the project, is part of my daily routine just like using my go-to technologies mentioned above.
March 2024 – today
Senior Full Stack Developer at Trifork Smart Enterprise, Aarhus, Denmark
April 2020 – February 2024
Senior Full Stack Developer
at Knöw, Aarhus, Denmark
Sept 2018 – March 2020
Full Stack Developer
at Knöw, Aarhus, Denmark
Nov 2016 – Aug 2018
Developer and Digital Technologist
at usability.de, Hanover, Germany
May 2017
Bachelor of Arts, Interaction Design
University of Applied Sciences,
Osnabrueck, Germany
Aug 2015 – Feb 2016
Frontend Developer Intern
at Designit Aarhus, Denmark
2013 – 2017
Studies in Bachelor program
»Media & Interaction Design«,
University of Applied Sciences,
Osnabrueck, Germany
2012 – today
Freelance work as Designer, Web Developer and technical consultant.
In the realm of Open Source, mostly in my free time, I’m particularly interested in the projects Nextcloud and WordPress, which have been constants in my tech life and to which I can contribute small parts. I maintain and develop the apps TimeManager and Link Editor, as well as tooling for publishing apps for Nextcloud.
Because I think sharing knowledge is great fun, I volunteer at the non-profit HackYourFuture. We educate people, who otherwise would not have access to such education, as web developers. In this piece I write a little more about my experience as a mentor there.